Map of Neuromarketing Education Programs

On February 3, 2014
After sharing a map of the neuromarketing companies (research vendors and consultants) recently, it is normal to have a look at the academic area also, so below you can find a map of institutes around the world that currently offer neuromarketing education at a certain level. The map is based on the information published on Neuromarketing Science & Business Association official website, and I am counting on Neurorelay readers to develop it further. So if anyone has information on new locations of academic neuromarketing programs, let me know!

3 Responses to “Map of Neuromarketing Education Programs”

  • Hi,


    I am a doctoral student in the area of neuromarketing at Indian Institute of Management at Ranchi, India. In association with Central Institute of Psychiatry at Ranchi we have a center for neuromanagement which offers courses on neuromanagement for MBA students and offers doctoral programs in NeuroMarketing.

    May i request you to kindly add IIM Ranchi into the list. Please let me know if i am required to provide any further details.

    Thanks & Regards

    Sharad Agarwal
    Doctoral Student (NeuroMarketing)
    Indian Institute of Management Ranchi
    Ranchi INDIA

  • Thank you so much.

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