Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA)

On April 18, 2012

We are members of The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA), the global trade association for all those engaged in neuromarketing. The NMSBA is headquartered in the Netherlands and its organization is managed by Carla Nagel. The mission of NMSBA is to share knowledge and univocal interpretation of new data, to build a strong international network and to protect the general social interests related to the discipline.

The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association was established on February 2nd, 2012, and it promotes “global interaction between business and science for a solid and practically valuable neuromarketing profession”. The objective of the NMSBA is to provide professional support to neuromarketers and neuromarketing scientists around the world, and other aims of the association include to:

  • Promotes the collective interests of professionals in the field of neuromarketing;
  • Contributes to the development and the implementation of international guidelines and standardization in the neuromarketing discipline;
  • Undertake to have the discipline recognized as a new occupational group with related professional ethics and professional codes;
  • Promote the added value of the neuromarketing discipline:
  • Encourage its members to deepen their expert knowledge;
  • Share knowledge, insight and research results among its members;
  • Circulate news about the discipline;
  • Bring together professionals and scientists at international level;
  • Protect the general social interest related to the discipline;
  • Speak out in the event of national and international social debates around the discipline.

The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association welcomes all those who have a professional interest in the neuromarketing discipline. The key values of NMBSA membership are access to cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. The membership fee is € 299 per year. NMBSA memberships support NMBSA’s mission to promote global interaction between business and science for a solid and practically valuable neuromarketing profession.

Members of the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association have:
  • Access to the latest insights into and news on the discipline;
  • A say in collective guidelines and ethical codes;
  • Access to an international network of neuromarketing scientists and professionals;
  • Discount to the Neuromarketing World Forum and other NMSBA Activities;
  • Quarterly Magazine “Neuromarketing Theory & Practice” by postal mail to any country.

The board determines the agenda and discusses urgent matters.

The 5 members of the board provide a strong, balanced blend of skills and experience, allowing it to offer guidance in core areas important to the NMSBA. They aim to provide professional support to neuromarketers and neuromarketing scientists around the globe, and contribute to the development and implementation of international guidelines on ethics, as well as promoting standards in the discipline of neuromarketing.

Local Chairs
NMSBA has a chair person for every country involved. Local chairs are the ambassador for the NMSBA in his or her country. The national chairperson knows his/her way within the association and is the spokesperson for local debates around the neuromarketing discipline.
If you consider becoming a local chair candidate and your region is not represented yet, fill out your bio profile here. The elections for the non-represented countries are planned for January 2013. The profile of the candidates will be published immediate when they match the local chair requirements.

Neuromarketing Theory & Practice Magazine

“Neuromarketing Theory & Practice” is the magazine published by Neuromarketing Science & Business Association. Its members that “share the interest in a field that will definitely change the world” receive it by post four times a year.

The magazine covers topics that combine science with business and is under controlled distribution, to the NMSBA Members only. Join NMSBA before 1 May and you will receive a copy of this first issue by postal mail as soon as possible!

Poster of the first Neuromarketing World Forum

Poster of the 1st NMWF

Neuromarketing World Forum

Neuromarketing World Forum is the annual event organized by Neuromarketing Science & Business Association. The first Neuromarketing World Forum (February 2012, Amsterdam) gathered over 100 people interested in neuromarketing from an academic or business point of view, from top neuroscientific researchers to commercial parties that discussed the key challenges and opportunities of using neuromarketing tools to enhance and add value to market research. The event was held on 2nd and 3rd of February, at NEMO Science Center in Amsterdam, the biggest science center in The Netherlands. Read the detailed experience here (includes photos). Also, check the pictures from NMSBA’s Flickr account.

The following video was created to give an impression of the first edition of the Neuromarketing World Forum, organized on February 2 & 3 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands:

International Neuromarketing Jobs
NMSBA serves neuromarketing industry by uniting job seekers with employers. They have created a Job Posting Board for employers and prospective employees. The service is free for any prospective employees. Employers should be a member of the NMSBA to publish a vacancy.

In order to be up to date with news from NMSBA, follow their Tweets. Also, you can subscribe to NMSBA newsletter here. Check the earlier editions:

For all your questions about the NMSBA, please contact during Dutch office hours (or any other time slot on appointment):
Neuromarketing Science & Business Association
Stalbergweg 58
5913 BS,  Venlo
The Netherlands
+31 777 850 090

5 Responses to “Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA)”

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  • Neuromarketing: The First Years | NeuroRelay :

    […] February 3, 2012 – Neuromarketing Science & Business Association is born (more info here) NMSBA is the global trade association for all those engaged in neuromarketing; it is headquartered […]


    […] February 3, 2012 – Neuromarketing Science & Business Association is born(more info here) NMSBA is the global trade association for all those engaged in neuromarketing; it is […]

  • Neuromarketing: Primii ani | NeuroRelay :

    […] 3 februarie 2012 – Ia naștere Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (mai multe informații aici) NMSBA este o asociaţie profesională la nivel mondial pentru cei interesaţi de neuromarketing. […]

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