Recommended Articles

This list contains references of relevant articles for neuromarketing research and it is updated on a regular basis. If you have any other suggestions, please contact us.

  • Bartra O, Mcguire J T, Kable J W (2013) The valuation system: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of BOLD fMRI experiments examining neural correlates of subjective value. NeuroImage 76: 412–427
  • Bercea M D (2013) Quantitative versus qualitative in neuromarketing research. Munich Personal RePEc Archive
  • Briesemeister B B, Tamm S, Heine A, Jacobs A M (2013) Approach the Good, Withdraw from the Bad – A Review on Frontal Alpha Asymmetry Measures in Applied Psychological Research. Psychology 4(3): 261–267
  • Berkman E T, Falk E B (2013) Beyond Brain Mapping : Using Neural Measures to Predict Real-World Outcomes. Current Directions in Psychological Science 22: 45-50
  • Calvert G A, Fulcher E, Fulcher G, Foster P, Rose H (2013) Using implicit methods to develop an objective measure of media brand engagement.  International Journal of Market Research 56(1): 15-32
  • Farb N A S (2013) Can neuroimaging inform economic theories of decision making? Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics 2: 1-10
  • Fraser C, Bradford J A (2013) Music to Your Brain: Background Music Changes Are Processed First , Reducing Ad Message Recall. Psychology & Marketing 30: 62–75
  • Gruber M J, Watrous A J, Ekstrom A D, Ranganath C, Otten L J (2013) Expected reward modulates encoding-related theta activity before an event. NeuroImage 64: 68-74
  • Javor A, Koller M, Lee N, Chamberlain L, Ransmayr G (2013) Neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience: contributions to neurology. BMC Neurology 13(13)
  • Kenrick D T, Saad G, Griskevicius V (2013) Evolutionary consumer psychology: Ask not what you can do for biology, but…. Journal of Consumer Psychology 23(3): 404–409
  • Khushaba R N, Wise C, Kodagoda S, Louviere J, Kahn B E, Townsend C (2013) Expert Systems with Applications Consumer neuroscience: Assessing the brain response to marketing stimuli using electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye tracking. Expert Systems With Applications 40(9): 3803–3812
  • Laroche M, Habibi M R, Richard M O (2013) To be or not to be in social media – How brand loyalty is affected by social media. International Journal of information Management 33: 76-82
  • Lin P, Grewal N S, Morin C, Johnson W D, Zak P J (2013) Oxytocin Increases the Influence of Public Service Advertisements. PLOS One 8(2)
  • Lindell A K, Kidd E (2013) Consumers Favor “Right Brain” Training: The Dangerous Lure of Neuromarketing. Mind, Brain and Education 7(1): 35–39
  • Noble T (2013) Neuroscience in practice. Admap
  • Omata K, Hanakawa T, Morimoto M, Honda M (2013) Spontaneous Slow Fluctuation of EEG Alpha Rhythm Reflects Activity in Deep-Brain Structures: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study. PLOS One 8(6)
  • Pykett J (2013) Neurocapitalism and the new neuros: using neuroeconomics, behavioural economics and picoeconomics for public policy. Journal of Economic Geography 13: 845–869
  • Solnais C, Andreu J, Sánchez-Fernández J, Andréu-Abela J (2013) The contribution of neuroscience to consumer research: A conceptual framework and empirical review. Journal of Economic Psychology
  • Wehbe R, Nacke L E (2013) Games User Research using EEG Techniques. ACM (May)

  • Alivisatos A P, Chun M, Church G M, Greenspan R J, Roukes M L, Yuste R (2012) The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics. NeuroView. Neuron 74(6): 970–974
  • Andrejevic M (2012) Brain Whisperers: Cutting through the clutter with neuromarketing. Somatechnics 2(2): 198–215
  • Asanowicz D, Marzecova A, Jaskowski P, Wolski P (2012) Hemispheric asymmetry in the efficency of attentional networks. Brain and Cognition 79: 117-128
  • Asp E, Manzel K, Koestner B, Cole C A, Denburg N L, Tranel D (2012) A neuropsychological test of belief and doubt: damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex increases credulity for misleading advertising. Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, article 100: 1-9
  • Banks S J, Bellerose J, Douglas D, Jones-Gotman M (2012) Bilateral skin conductance responses to emotional faces. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
  • Barbey A K, Colom R, Grafman J (2012) Distributed neural system for emotional intelligence revealed by lesion mapping. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience (SCAN) pp. 1-8
  • Bazanova O (2012) Comments for current interpretation EEG alpha activity – A review and analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 2:239-248
  • Bercea M D (2012) Anatomy of methodologies for measuring consumer behavior in neuromarketing research. Proceedings of the LCBR European Marketing Conference 2012. ISSN: 2190-7935
  • Berns G S, Moore S A (2012) A neural predictor of cultural popularity. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22: 154–160
  • Brown C, Randolph A B, Burkhalter J N (2012) The Story of Taste Using EEGs and Self-Reports to Understand Consumer Choice. The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research 2(1): 1-11
  • Bruce A S, Bruce J M, Black W R, Lepping R J, Henry J M, Cherry J B C, Martin L E, Papa V B, Davis A B, Brooks W M, Savage CR (2012) Branding and a child’s brain: an fMRI study of neural responses to logos. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience (SCAN)
  • Calvert G A, Brammer M J (2012) Predicting Consumer Behaviour. IEEE Pulse Vol 3 (3): 38-41
  • Elder R S, Krishna A (2012) The “Visual Depiction Effect” in Advertising: Facilitating Embodied Mental Simulation through Product Orientation. Journal of Consumer Research 38: 1–17
  • Esch F R, Mőll T, Schmitt B, Elger C E, Neuhaus C, Weber B (2012) Brands on the brain: Do consumers use declarative information or experienced emotions to evaluate brands?. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22:75-85
  • Falk E B, Berkman E T, Lieberman M D (2012) From neural responses to population behavior: neural focus group predicts population-level media effects. Psychological Science 1-7
  • Godwin B J, Saranya V P (2012) Braining the brands: Ethnographic assessment on neuromarketing with reference to ultimate ad campaign. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Management Review 1(2):117-125
  • Goldberg E, Funk B A, Podell K (2012) How the brain deals with novelty and ambiguity: implications for neuroaesthetics. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei
  • Holczberger E M, Bernal J, Silva J, Yañez G, Rodríguez M (2012) Electroencephalographic coherences during emotion identification task, World Journal of Neuroscience 2: 248–253
  • Hartston H (2012) The case for compulsive shopping as an addiction. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 44(1):64-67
  • Illes J, Mizgalewicz A (2012) Neuromarketing At the intersection of technology, privacy and choice. Medical Ethics 19(1): 1-7
  • Isabella G, Pozzani A I, Chen V A, Gomes M B F (2012) Influence of discount price announcements on consumer’s behavior, Forum RAE Sao Paulo. pp. 657–672
  • Kemp E, Bui M, Chapa S (2012) The role of advertising in consumer emotion management. International Journal of Advertising 31(2): 339–353
  • Khushaba R N, Greenacre L, Kodagoda S, Louviere J, Burke S, Dissanayake G (2012) Choice modeling and the brain: A study on the Electroencephalogram (EEG) of preferences. Expert Systems with Applications 39:12378-12388
  • Kircanski K, Lieberman M D, Craske M G (2012) Feelings into words: Contributions of language to exposure therapy. Psychological Science 23(10):1086-1091
  • Krajnovic A, Siiric D, Jasie D (2012) Neuromarketing and Custormer’s Free Will. Proceedings of the 13th Management International Conference 1143–1163
  • van der Laan L N, de Ridder D T D, Viergever M A, Smeets P A M (2012) Appearance matters: Neural correlates of food choice and packaging aesthetics. Plos One 7(7)
  • Markgraf I, Scheffer D, Pulkenat J (2012) The needs of package tourists and travel agents – Neuromarketing in the tourism sector. Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 3: 79-91
  • Mazaheri E, Richard M O, Laroche M (2012) The role of emotions in online consumer behavior a comparison of search, experience, and credence services. Journal of Services Marketing 26(7): 535-550
  • Mele M L, Federici S (2012) A psychotechnological review on eye-tracking systems: towards user experience. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 7(4): 261–281
  • Michel C M, Murray M M (2012) Towards the utilization of EEG as a brain imaging tool. NeuroImage
  • Miskovic V, Schmidt L A (2012) Social fearfulness in the human brain. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 36: 459-478
  • Mograbi G J C, Mograbi D C (2012) To buy or not buy? A review of affective priming in purchase decision. Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics 1: 25-35
  • Mostafa M M (2012) Brain processing of vocal sounds in advertising: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Expers Systems with Applications 39(15): 12114–12122
  • Mostafa M M (2012) The persistence of memory: an fMRI investigation of the brain processing of surrealistic imagery in advertising. Journal of Marketing Communications 1-19
  • Noonan M P, Kolling N, Walton M E, Rushworth M F S (2012) Re-evaluating the role of the orbitofrontal cortex in reward and reinforcement. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35: 997–1010
  • Ozdemir M, Koc M (2012) Two methods of creative marketing research: Neuromarketing and in-depth interview. Creative and Knowledge Society / International Scientific Journal pp 113-117
  • Pike M, Wilson M L, Divoli A, Medelyan A (2012) CUES: Cognitive Usability Evaluation System. EuroHCIR
  • Plassmann H, Ramsoy T Z, Milosavljevic M (2012) Branding the brain: A critical review and outlook. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22:18-36
  • Pop N A, Iorga A M (2012) A new challenge for contemporary marketing – Neuromarketing. Management & Marketing 7(4)
  • Price C J (2012) A review and synthesis of the first 20 years of PET and fMRI studies of heard speech, spoken language and reading. Neuroimage
  • Pykett J (2012) Neurocapitalism and the new neuros – using neuroeconomics, behavioural economics and picoeconomics for public policy. Journal of Economic Geography Advance Access pp. 1-25
  • Ravaja N, Somervuori O, Salminen M (2012) Predicting purchase decision: The role of hemispheric asymmetry over the frontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
  • Reimann M, Castaño R, Zaichkowsky J, Bechara A (2012) How we relate to brands: Psychological and neurophysiological insights into consumer–brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22:128–142
  • Reimann M, Castaño R, Zaichkowsky J, Bechara A (2012) Novel versus familiar brands: An analysis of neurophysiology, response latency, and choice. Marketing Letters
  • Reynolds Losin E A, Iacoboni M, Martin A, Depretto M (2012) Own-gender imitation activates the brain’s reward circuitry. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience (SCAN)  7: 804-810
  • Rosen B R, Savoy R L (2012) fMRI at 20: Has it changed the world? NeuroImage 62(2): 1316–1324
  • Silberstein R B, Nield G E (2012) Measuring emotion in advertising research. IEEE Pulse May-June 2012
  • Schmitt B (2012) The consumer psychology of brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22(1): 7–17
  • Schneider T, Woolgar S (2012) Technologies of ironic revelation: enacting consumers in neuromarkets. Consumption Markets & Culture 1-21
  • Serrano Abad N, De Balanzo Bono C (2012) Neuromarketing y Memoria: Implicaciones para la Comunicación Publicitaria. Pensar la Plubicidad 6: 297–313
  • Siegel E F, Gougherty M R, Huber D E (2012) Manipulating the role of cognitive control while taking the implicit association test. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48:1057-1068
  • Suomala J, Palokangas L, Leminen S, Westerlund M, Heinonen J, Numminen J (2012) Neuromarketing – Understanding Consumers’ Subconscious Responses to Marketing. Technology Innovation Management Review
  • Tressoldi P E, Sella F, Coltheart M, Umilita C (2012) Using functional neuroimaging to test theories of cognition – A selective survey of studies from 2007 to 2011 as a contribution to the Decade of the Mind Initiative. Cortex 48: 1247-1250
  • Vecchiato G, Susac A, Margeti S, De Vico Fallani F, Maglione A G, Supek S, Planinic M, Babiloni F (2012) High-resolution EEG analysis of power spectral density maps and coherence networks in a proportional reasoning task. Brain Topography 26(2): 303–314
  • Vecchiato G, Toppi J, Astolfi L, Cincotti F, Fallani F V, Maglione A G, Borghini G, Cherubino P, Mattia D, Babiloni F (2012) The added value of the electrical neuroimaging for the evaluation of marketing stimuli. 60(3): 419–426
  • Venkatraman V, Clithero JA, Fitzsimons GJ, Huettel SA (2012) New scanner data for brand marketers: How neuroscience can help better understand differences in brand preferences. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22: 143–153
  • Wright N A, Meade A W (2012) An exploration of cognitive ability contamination in the Implicit Association Test methodology. Computers in Human Behavior 28(2): 393–399
  • Yoon C, Gonzalez R, Bechara A, Berns G S, Dagher A A, Dubé L, Huettel S A, Kable J W, Liberzon I, Plassmann H, Smidts A, Spence C (2012) Decision neuroscience and consumer decision making. Marketing Letters 23:473–485
  • Young A M, Hinesly M. D (2012) Identifying Millennials’ key influencers from early childhood: insights into current consumer preferences. Journal of Consumer Marketing 29(2): 146–155
  • Acevedo B P, Aron A, Fisher H E, Brown L L (2011) Neural correlates of long-term intense romantic love. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN)
  • Achrol RS, Kotler P (2011) Frontiers of the marketing paradigm in the third millennium. Journal of the Academic Marketing
  • Chancellor B, Chatterjee A (2011) Brain branding: When neuroscience and commerce collide. AJOB Neuroscience 2(4): 18–27
  • Eser Z, Isin F B, Tolon M (2011) Perceptions of marketing academics, neurologists, and marketing professionals about neuromarketing. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 27, Nos. 7–8, July 2011, 854–868
  • Heinrichs B (2011) A New Challenge for Research Ethics: Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging. Bioethical Inquiry 8:59–65
  • Jones W J, Childers T L, Jiang Y (2011) The shopping brain: Math anxiety modulates brain responses to buying decisions. Biological Psychology
  • Kennerley S W, Behrens T E J, Wallis D H (2011) Double dissociation of value computations in orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate neurons. Nature Neuroscience
  • Kenning P, Linzmajer M (2011) Consumer neuroscience: an overview of an emerging discipline with implications for consumer policy. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 6:111-125
  • Kuhnen C M, Knutson B (2011) The Influence of Affect on Beliefs, Preferences, and Financial Decisions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analisys. vol. 46(3): 605–626
  • Levy I, Lazzaro S, Rutledge R B, Glimcher P W (2011) Choice from Non-Choice: Predicting Consumer Preferences from Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Signals Obtained during Passive Viewing. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(1):118-125
  • Macdonald M (2011) Some ethical issues in brain imaging. Cortex 47: 1272-1274
  • Morin C (2011) Neuromarketing: The New Science of Consumer Behavior. Symposium: Consumer Culture in Global Perspective 48:131-135
  • Neto J C, Filipe J A, Ramalheiro B (2011) Neuromarketing: Consumers and the Anchoring Effect. International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences 1(4):183-189
  • O’Connell G, De Wilde J, Haley J, Shuler K, Schafer B, Sandercock P, Wardlaw J M (2011) The brain, the science and the media. The legal, corporate, social and security implications of neuroimaging and the impact of media coverage. EMBO reports 12(7): 630–636
  • O’Connell G (2011) Tracking the Impact of Neuroethics. Cortex 47: 1259-1260
  • O’Connel B, Walden S, Pohlmann A (2011) Marketing and Neuroscience. What Drives Customer Decisions? American Marketing Association White Paper
  • O’Doherty J P (2011) Contributions of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to goal-directed action selection. Annals pf the New York Academy of Sciences. Issue: Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex to Behavior, 1239: 118-129
  • Ohme R, Matukin M, Pacula-Lesniak B (2011) Biometric measures for interactive advertising research. Journal of Interactive Advertising. 11(2): 60‐72
  • Panksepp J, Watt Douglas (2011) What is Basic about Basic Emotions Lasting Lessons from Affective Neuroscience. Emotion Review 3:387-396
  • Park K S, Choi H, Lee K J, Lee J Y, An K O, Kim E J (2011) Emotion recognition based on the asymmetric left and right activation. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 3(6): 201–209
  • Plassmann H, Ramsøy T Z, Milosavljevic M (2011) Faculty and Research Working Paper: Branding the Brain – A Critical Review. INSEAD The Business School of the World 2011/15/MKT
  • Raab G, Elger C E, Neuner M, Weber B (2011) A Neurological Study of Compulsive Buying Behaviour. Journal of Consumer Policy 34: 401-413
  • Reimann M, Schilke O, Weber B, Neuhaus C, Zaichkowsky J (2011) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Consumer Research: A Review and Application. Psychology and Marketing 28 (6): 608-637
  • Sakaki M, Niki K, Mather M (2011) Beyond arousal and valence: the importance of the biological versus social relevance of emotional stimuli. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience 12(1): 115–139
  • Seitz R J (2011) The medial frontal cortexand the subjective control of behaviour. E-Neuroforum 2011. Springer-Verlag
  • Smith A, Bernheim B D, Camerer C, Rangel A (2011) Neural activity reveals preferences without choices. Unpublished manuscript
  • Tallon-Baudry C, Mayniel F, Bourgeois-Gironde S (2011) Fast and automatic activation of an abstract representation of money in the human ventral visual pathway. Plos One 6(1):1-7
  • Touhami Z O, Benlafkih L, Jiddane M, Cherrah Y, Malki H O, Benomar A (2011) Neuromarketing: Where marketing and neuroscience meet. African Journal of Business Management 5(5): 1528-1532
  • van’t Wout M, Sanfey A G (2011) Interactive decision-making in people with schizotypal traits – A game theory approach. Psychiatry Research 185:92-96
  • Vance K, Virtue S (2011) Metaphoric advertisement comprehension: The role of the cerebral hemispheres. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 10: 41–50
  • Vecchiato G, Astolfi L, De Vico Fallani F, Toppi J, Aloise F, Bez F, Wei D, Kong W, Dai J, Cincotti F, Mattia D, Babiloni F (2011) On the use of EEG or MEG brain imaging tools in neuromarketing research. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2011
  • Vecchiato G, Toppi J, Astolfi L, De Vico Fallani F, Cincotti F, Mattia D, Bez F, Babiloni F (2011) Spectral EEG frontal asymmetries correlate with the experienced pleasantness of TV commercial advertisments. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 49:579-583
  • Wardlaw J M, O’Connel G, Shuler K, DeWilde J, Haley J, Escobar O, Murray S, Rae R, Jarvie D, Sandercock P, Schafer B (2011) “Can It Read My Mind?” What Do the Public and Experts Think of the Current (Mis)Uses of Neuroimaging?. Plos One 6(10): 1-7


  • Almejrad A S (2010) Human Emotions Detection using Brain Wave Signals: A Challenging. European Journal of Scientific Research 44(4), 640–659
  • Ariely D, Berns G (2010) Neuromarketing: the hope and hype of neuroimaging in business. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(4): 284-292
  • Becker W J, Cropanzano R (2010) Organizational neuroscience: The promise and prospects of an emerging discipline. Journal of Organizational Behavior 31: 1055–1059
  • van Boxtel A (2010) Facial EMG as a Tool for Inferring Affective States. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2010 (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 24-27, 2010)
  • Cooper J C, Kreps T A, Wiebe T, Pirkl T, Knutson B (2010) When giving is good: Ventromedial prefrontal cortex activation for others’ intentions. Neuron 67(3): 511–521
  • Deslauriers C, Bell E, Palmour N, Pike B, Doyon J, Racine E (2010) Perspectives of Canadian researchers on ethics. Review of Neuroimaging Research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 5(1): 49-66
  • Deyoung C G, Hirsh J B, Shane M S, Papademetris X (2010) Testing Predictions From Personality Neuroscience. NIH Public Access 21(6): 820–828
  • Falk E B, Berkman E T, Mann T, Harrison B, Lieberman M D (2010) Predicting persuasion-induced behavior change from the brain. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(25):8421– 8424
  • Fisher C E, Chin L, Klitzman R (2010) Defining Neuromarketing: Practices and Professional Challenges. Harvard Revue of Psychiatry 18(4): 230–237
  • Hare T A, Camerer C F, Knoepfle D T, Doherty J P O, Rangel A (2010) Value Computations in Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex during Charitable Decision Making Incorporate Input from Regions Involved in Social Cognition. The Journal of neuroscience 30(2): 583–590
  • Harmon-Jones E, Gable PA, Peterson CK (2010)The role of asymmetric frontal cortical activity in emotion-related phenomena: A review and update. Biological Psychology 84: 451–462
  • Hubert M (2010) Does neuroeconomics give a new impetus to economic and consumer research? Journal of Economic Psychology 31: 812-817
  • Hultén B (2010) Sensory marketing: the multi-sensory brand-experience concept. European Business Review 23(3): 256–273
  • Illes J, Moser M A, McCormick J B, Racine E, Blakesiee S, Caplan A, Hayden E C, Ingram J, Lohwater T, McKnight P, Nichoison C, Phillips A, Sauvé K D, Snell E, Weiss S (2010) Neurotalk: improving the communication of neuroscience research. Nature Reviews 11:61-69
  • Illes J, Tairyan K, Federico C A, Tabet A, Glover G H (2010) Reducing barriers to ethics in neuroscience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 4(167)
  • Jarcho J M, Berkman E T, Lieberman M D (2010) The Neural Basis of Rationalization: Cognitive Dissonance Reduction During Decision-Making. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN) pp. 1-8
  • Koller M (2010) Special issue on “neuromarketing”. der markt: Jurnal für Marketing. 49:127–128
  • Krienen F M, Tu P C, Buckner R L (2010) Clan Mentality – Evidence That the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Responds to Close Others. The Journal of Neuroscience 30(41):13906 –13915
  • Krishna A, Lwin M O, Morrin M (2010) Product scent and memory. Journal of Consumer Research 37:57-67
  • Lee N, Butler M J R, Senior C (2010) The brain in business: neuromarketing and organisational cognitive neuroscience. der markt: Jurnal für Marketing. 49: 129–131
  • Liu Y, Sourina O, Nguyen M K (2010) Real-time EEG-based Human Emotion Recognition and Visualization. Proceedings of International Conferemce on Cyberworlds, Singapore, 20-22 Oct, 2010
  • Madan C R (2010) Neuromarketing: The next step in market research? Eureka 1(1): 34-42
  • Mason M F, Morris M W (2010) Culture, attribution and automaticity: a social cognitive neuroscience view. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience (SCAN) 5(2-3): 292–306
  • Nevid J S (2010) Introduction to the Special Issue: Implicit Measures of Consumer Response – The Search for the Holy Grail of Marketing Research. Psychology & Marketing. 27(10): 913–920
  • Ohme R, Matukin M, Szczurko T (2010) Neurophysiology uncovers secrets of TV commercials. der markt: Jurnal für Marketing. 49: 133–142
  • Ohme R, Reykowska D, Wiener D, Chormanska A (2010) Application of frontal EEG asymmetry to advertising research. Journal of Economic Psychology 31: 785-793
  • Plassmann H, O’Doherty J P, Rangel A (2010) Appetitive and aversive goal values are encoded in the medial orbitofrontal cortex at the time of decision making. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30(32): 10799–10808
  • Poldrack R A (2010) Mapping Mental Function to Brain Structure: How Can Cognitive Neuroimaging Succeed? Perspectives on Psychological Science 5:753-761
  • Ratnayake N, Broderick A J, Mitchell R L C (2010) A neurocognitive approach to brand memory. Journal of Marketing Management 26 (13-14): 1295-1318
  • Reimann M, Zaichkowsky J, Neuhaus C, Bender T, Weber B (2010) Aestetic package design: A behavioral, neural, and psychological investigation. Journal of Consumer Psychology 20: 431-441
  • Riedl R, Hubert M, Kenning P (2010) Are there neural gender differences in online trust? An fMRI study on the perceived trustworthiness of eBay offers. MIS Quarterly 32(2): 1-32
  • Smith D V, Huettel S A (2010) Decision neuroscience: neuroeconomics. WIREs Cognitive Science John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1: 854-871
  • Spence, C Gallace A (2011) Multisensory Design: Reaching Out to Touch the Consumer. Psychology & Marketing 28(3): 267–307
  • Spunt R P, Satpute A B, Lieberman M D (2010) Identifying the What, Why, and How of an Observed Action: An fMRI Study of Mentalizing and Mechanizing during Action Observation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23:1, pp. 63–74
  • Tommerdahl J (2010) A model for bridging the gap between neuroscience and education. Oxford Review of Education 36(1): 97–109
  • Vecchiato G, De Vico Fallani F, Astolfi L, Toppi J, Cincotti F, Mattia D, Salinari S, Babiloni F (2010) The issues of multiple univariate comparisons in the context of neuroelectric brain mapping: An application in a neuromarketing experiment. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 191: 283-289
  • Voicu M C (2010) Aspects regarding neuromarketing specific research methods. Challenges of the Knowledge Society. Economics 1471–1476
  • Vromen J (2010) Where economics and neuroscience might meet. Journal of Economic Methodology 17(2): 171-183
  • Wallis J D, Kennerley S W (2010) Current Opinions in Neurobiology 20(2):191-198


  • Altmann G T M, Kamide Y (2009) Discourse-Mediation of the Mapping Between Language and the Visual Mediation – Eye movements and mental representation. Cognition 111(1): 55–71
  • Barrett L F, Bar M (2009) See it with a feeling: affective predictions during object perception. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 364: 1325-1334
  • Barry A M (2009) Mirror Neurons: How We Become What We See. Visual Communication Quarterly pp. 37–41
  • Chatterjee A, Thomas A, Smith S E, Aguirre G K (2009) The Neural Response to Facial Attractiveness. Neuropsychology 23(2): 135-43
  • Cooper J C, Hollon N G, Wimmer G E, Knutson B (2009) Available alternative incentives modulate anticipatory nucleus accumbens activation. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 4(4): 409–416
  • Craig A, Tran Y, Hermens G, Williams L M, Kemp A, Morris C, Gordon E (2009) Psychological and neural correlates of emotional intelligence in a large sample of adult males and females. Personality and Individual Differences 46: 111-115
  • Falk E B, Rameson L, Berkman E T, Liao B, Kang Y, Inagaki T K, Lieberman M D (2009) The Neural Correlates of Persuasion: A Common Network across Cultures and Media. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22(11): 2447-2459
  • Glaholt M G, Wu M, Reingold E M (2009) Predicting preference from fixations. PsychNology Journal 7(2): 141–158
  • Glimcher P W, Camerer C F, Fehr E, Poldrack R A (2009) Introduction: A Brief History of Neuroeconomics, Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain pp. 1-11
  • Greenwald A G, Poehlman T A, Uhlmann E L, Banaji M. R (2009) Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: Meta-analysis of predictive validity. Journal of personality and social psychology 97(1): 17–41
  • Gruzelier J (2009) A theory of alpha/theta neurofeedback, creative performance enhancement, long distance functional connectivity and psychological integration. Cognitive processing 10(Suppl 1):S101–S109
  • Gutnisky D A, Hansen B J, Iliescu B F, Dragoi V (2009) Attention alters visual plasticity during exposure-based learning. Current Biology 19(7): 555–560
  • Luber B, Fisher C S B, Appelbaum P S, Ploesser M, Lisanby S H (2009) Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation in the Detection of Deception: Scientific Challenges and Ethical Consequences. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 208: 191–208
  • Hubert M, Sommer J, Kenning P (2009) Consumer Neuroscience – the effect of retail brands on the perception of product packaging. Marketing Revue St Gallen 4:28-33
  • Kenning P, Deppe M, Schwindt M, Kugel H, Plassman H (2009) The good the bad and the forgotten – an fMRI study on ad liking and ad memory. Advances in Consumer Research 36:4
  • Langleben D D, Loughead J W, Ruparel K, Hakun J K, Busch-Winokur S, Holloway M B, Strasser A A, Cappella J N, Lerman C (2009) Reduced prefrontal and temporal processing and recall of high “sensation value” ads. Neurolmage.46: 219-225
  • Lee N, Senior C, Butler M, Fuchs R (2009) The feasibility of neuroimaging methods in marketing research. Nature Proceedings
  • Levy N (2009) Neuroethics: Ethics and the sciences of the mind. Philosophy Compass 4(1): 69-81
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