“Neuromarketing Theory & Practice” Magazine – Issue No. 9

On July 10, 2014


Neuromarketing Science & Business Association has recently published the 9th edition (July 2014) of “Neuromarketing Theory & Practice Magazine”. This is a must read, you will see this from the brief  news and information from this issue presented below:

  • Mirjam Broekhoff interviewed Jacob Lyng Wieland in an article entitled Emotions in Television: Crucial for the Customer Experience, where he resents how a Danish broadcasting corporation adopted neuroscience and what are their plans for the future.
  • Sample size is an often discussed topic in neuromarketing research and Carla Nagel presents the opinions on this of the most respected and well known researchers in this field. The interesting part is that each one of them presents the technologies they employ in their studies and it is clear that there is no such thing as the “archetypal neuromarketing study”.
  • Richard Silberstein shares recent media insights about how Conceptual Closure Can Kill Television Ads, offering also details about the long-term memory encoding. Conceptual closure has to do with how the brain processes extended experiences such as narratives or stories, according to Prof. Silberstein. You may learn more about this by reading the magazine and Prof. Silberstein’s research articles.
  • Book review of Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research (by Horsley, M., Toon, N., Knightm B., Reilly, R.), published in 2014 by Elsevier.
  • Daniel Yarosh is interviewed on Parallels Between the Early Days of Biotech and Neuroscience Today.
  • NMSBA Member and local representative of Peru, Liliana Alvaredo, discuses about neuromarketing development in Peru.
  • The research update section provides interesting news about how risk attitudes towards different types of uncertainty in choice can change throughout our lifetime.
  • An interesting point of view is expressed by Hanna Dropko about how negative should emotions be in social campaigns with outdoor advertisements.
  • Great news: in September, the NMSBA will organize a wide variety of activities that focus on explaining and promoting the field.
This and more insights you will find in the latest issue of Neuromarketing Theory & Practice Magazine. This is the only publication in the world that is covering news and insights from the neuromarketing industry, interviews with leaders from the field, and covering relevant research from consumer neuroscience and neuro economics. This magazine is the result of the efforts made by the Director of the association (Carla Nagel), the editorial board (Fabio Babiloni, Phil Barden, Neale Martin, Rafal Ohme, Anna Thomas, Leon Zurawicki) and NMSBA members and contribuitors. Congratulations to Mirjam Broekhoff (Chief Editor) for her work and high standards, I am looking forward to the next editions and developments!
Earlier Issues: Issue 1 (April 2012), Issue 2 (July 2012), Issue 3 (November 2012), Issue 4 (January 2013), Issue 5 (April 2013), Issue 6 (September 2013), Issue 7 (December 2013), Issue 8 (April 2014).

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