JNPE (Volume 7, Number 2)

On June 15, 2014


A new issue (Volume 7: Number 2) of the Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (you can also read about previous issues: Volume 5 – Number 1 & 2, Number 3, Number 4; Volume 6: Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4; Volume 7 – Number 1) has just been published by the Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association and edited by Daniel Houser (George Mason University, USA) and Bernd Weber (University of Bonn, Germany). The Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics also organizes an annual event: NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference.
Usually, topics in this journal may include (but are not restricted to):
– Biological basis of economic preferences and personality (e.g., genetic, endocrinological, or neurophysiological)
– Interaction of environmental and biological factors in the formation of preferences, personality, and cognitive skills
– Application of neuroscienctific measures to improve our understanding of individual and group decision making
– The role of emotion and emotion regulation in economic decision making
This issue’s research includes:

Authors: Waegeman, Anja; Declerck, Carolyn H.; Boone, Christophe; Van Hecke, Wim; Parizel, Paul M.
Author: Mohanty, Madhu S.
Authors: Pfeiffer, Jella; Meißner, Martin; Brandstätter, Eduard; Riedl, René; Decker, Reinhold; Rothlauf, Franz

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