JNPE (Volume 5, Number 4)

On January 5, 2013


This is the latest issue (Volume 5: Number 4) of the Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (you can also read about previous issues: Number 1 & 2, Number 3). The journal is quartely published by the Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association and edited by Daniel Houser (George Mason University, USA) and Bernd Weber (University of Bonn, Germany). The Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics also organizes an annual event: NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference (read about the 2012 conference here).

This issue’s (Volume 5: Number 4) research includes:
Genes, economics, and happiness (pages 193-211) (Purchase PDF)
Authors: De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel; Christakis, Nicholas A.; Fowler, James H.; Frey, Bruno S
Effects of perceptual uncertainty on arousal and preference across different visual domains (pages 212-226) (Purchase PDF)
Authors: Ramsøy, Thomas Z.; Friis-Olivarius, Morten; Jacobsen, Catrine; Jensen, Simon B.; Skov, Martin
Emotion regulation and trader expertise: Heart rate variability on the trading floor (pages 227-237) (Purchase PDF)
Authors: Fenton-O’Creevy, Mark; Lins, Jeffrey T.; Vohra, Shalini; Richards, Daniel W.; Davies, Gareth; Schaaff, Kristina
Opening the “black box” of electrodermal activity in consumer neuroscience research (pages 238-249) (Purchase PDF)
Authors: Lajante, Mathieu; Droulers, Olivier; Dondaine, Thibaut; Amarantini, David
Brief Report: Preferences induced by accessibility: Evidence from priming (pages 250-258) (Purchase PDF)
Authors: Kusev, Petko; van Schaik, Paul; Aldrovandi, Silvio

Earlier Issues: Volume 5, Number 1 & 2; Volume 5, Number 3.

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