“Neuromarketing Theory & Practice” Magazine – Issue No. 2
Carla Nagel (Director of the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association) uses an African saying to engage us into the development of neuromarketing, saying that “it takes a village to raise a child”. So it takes all of the scientists, neuromarketers, people creating the tools, advertisers, market research organizations and journalists with interest in neuromarketing to ‘raise’ this new field, with all responsibility.
An interesting article entitled “The Secrets of George Clooney and Nespresso Ads” by Kacper Osiecki (General Maganer of labIOMETRICS) analyzes the effects the advertising campaign “Nespresso. What else?” (featuring George Clooney) has on consumers. Using their method (BioNavigator™: Relevance and Activation metrics), they identified 2 flaws in this campaign, that were no respondent was able to consciously articulate: the slogan “Nespresso. What else?” appears twice in the ad, but consumer’s reactions were more positive to the first one, which was recorded in the “natural environment” (with Clooney’s voice and background sounds), than to the second one, which was recorded in a “sterile environment” (in a studio); also, Nestlé advertises in this campaign three products (coffee, capsules and coffee machines) and the aggregated results of this ad, split by gender, clearly show that it evokes positive reactions just among female audiences and some negative reactions among male audiences – the author considers that this may happen because of the presence of George Clooney, and because men are the decision-makers when it comes to purchase electronic household appliances. For this ads, men related positively only to the scenes with the capsules arranged like bullets or desktop controls (watch the video below, seconds 0:35 and 0:36).
As for the printed ad they tested, results report that George Clooney gets all visual attention from the viewers, and the product advertised is almost not noticed visually. The author also gives some clues on how changing some details of this campaign could make it more effective.
This article is a good example of how neuromarketing techniques are valuable to use in testing campaign and developing more effective advertising materials.

An article covers the work of Petr Milácek and Jirí Herian on measuring the effects of television programs using fMRI: “Pioneering Research in Czech Republic”, by Mirjam Broekhof. Their results imply that different types of TV programs activate different parts of the brain, and the authors consider that specific TV ads would be more effective when coupled with similar programs. They used as stimuli videos of quiz shows, reality shows, news broadcast, action movies, soap operas, music programs and reported the results.
This magazine covers the steps researchers make in order to ‘raise’ the field, and this issue also presents:
- how Bernd Weber (Head of Life&Brain Center at the University of Bonn, Germany) is working on bridging the gap between science & business in neuromarketing research
- the new local chairs that registered for the next elections in January
- the misunderstandings on using brain imaging in France and the law that certifies that it is allowed to conduct such research
- Jürgen Wieser presents in his article entitled “Commercials that Sell: An Unusual Look at the Brain” his results on a Gösser beer commercial, and on which kind of scenes lead to a more neural activity and increase the probability of brand reward
- Monica Bercea‘s book review of Erik du Plessis’ “The Branded Mind”, that “explores the anatomy of decision making, rearranging the pieces of the brain-brand puzzle, at the interface between neuroscience and marketing”.
- Ana Iorga invited the anthropologist Alex Balacescu to talk about the importance of interdiciplinarity in marketing studies and how they can benefit neuromarketing, in the article entitles “Neuromarketing in a Multicultural Context”. Among other interesting information, Alex Balacescu states that “trust is a mental product, but it is the key of importance in our mental representations” and also discusses the results of a recent Harvard study that revealed that humans are much more motivated to talk about themselves and their personal experiences than any other subject, although they make less money when this occurs.
- The recent article on neuromarketing research of Hilke Plassmann, Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy and Milica Milosavljevic entitled “Branding the brain: A critical review and outlook” and published in Journal of Consumer Psychology (22:18-36) is presented and “offers food for discussion”. The authors distinguish the differences between Neuroscience and Consumer Neuroscience, present results on preicted / experienced / remembered brand value and suggest how the field could be further developed.
If you would like to more know about the results and articles in the magazine, contact the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association.
The magazine is under controlled distribution, to the NMSBA Members only. So, if you would like to subscribe (NMSBA Membership, 4 issues of the magazine, access to an international network of neuromarketers and a say in collective guidelines and ethical codes), you should register on the website (http://www.neuromarketing-association.com/join) or send an e-mail to secretariat@neuromarketing-association.com. Subscription is 299 EURO per year.
Once again, I appreciate the efforts made by the Director of the association (Carla Nagel), the editorial board (Leon Zurawicki, Rafal Ohme, Phil Barden) and it’s members and contribuitors for having this magazine and I am looking forward to the next editions and developments.
Earlier Issue: Issue 1 (April 2012).